my Story


I don’t think I was ever meant to follow a straight or conventional path through life. I was raised on adventure stories and grew up in the Cumbrian countryside as a bit of a free spirit.

I was born in Derbyshire and came to Cumbria when I was 4. I grew up in Gosforth and fell in love with the landscapes around me - from the quiet, wild beaches to the rugged fellsides and beautiful valleys. Making things has always been a part of my life: I began with polymer clay and lace, explored art, taught calligraphy and now make candles and concrete.

At school I loved languages while my friends studied art. I went to Salford University, got my degree in modern languages and marketing, and stayed in Manchester for a good few years where I worked as a calligrapher on wedding invitations and private commissions. In 2012 I moved home to Cumbria for good.

I now live on the mythical Lake District Peninsulas. You’ll see the sign if you come up to Cumbria on the M6 and A590. This is the only time you’ll ever see these dreamlike peninsulas mentioned… but it’s a place I like to call home. (The Lake District boundary rarely extends to the shoreline: it certainly stops well inland of the Furness peninsulas. But this place is beautiful, and I’m claiming the name.)

I began making candles in 2020. I love the process of melting the wax, stirring and pouring as they set. My candles are a labour of love: I hope you’ll enjoy receiving them as much as you love lighting them! (I like to make every order feel like a gift, whether it’s or you or a gift for someone special.)

I still take on a limited number of calligraphy commissions for family trees and wedding items - and you’ll spot a touch of handwritten calligraphy with your candle orders too.

When I’m not in my studio you’ll find me on the beach or in the fells. Walking in nature is everything - from the cry of a barn owl to the purr of a raven, the experience of being almost alone in the wilderness makes me feel alive.